

According to Wikipedia, entrepreneurship is the creation of economic value; entrepreneurship is closely connected with change and risks. An entrepreneur creates and/or invests in businesses, bearing the risks and enjoying the rewards. Setting up a business or launching a new project within an institution are known as entrepreneurship.


Entrepreneurship requires effort, a lot, even more than you can think about – any great success story is a continuous streak of ups and downs, one day you’d say “I made it!”, the next one you’ll be on the brink of bankruptcy. You will successfully manage only if you have an incredible stamina and ability to stick to your long term vision and, obviosuly, do not need or feel forced to live on a high. It’s though. It’s rewarding.


Curiosity is an important quality inherently found in entrepreneurs. Curiosity urges entrepreneurs to come up with interesting and new ways of accomplishing tasks, allowing them to provide innovative products. Good entrepreneurs must also be great problem-solvers and curiosity ensures the continued development of your business – effectively overcoming obstacles by providing you with innovative solutions that get the job done.

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